Copper Gooseneck Lights Offer Touch of Bling to New Studio
Jordan’s childhood memories are full of wonderful experiences learning a variety of trade skills in a large workshop at his home. Now with children of his own, Jordan wanted to create a space where he could share his passion for woodworking, engineering, and music with his kids.
“Our house here in Eugene, Oregon, did not have a garage or shop area,” Jordan says. “It’s within walking distance to school and across the street from grandparents, but I dreamed of building a studio/shop where the passing of knowledge and passion can happen.”
Jordan got to work building a studio in the back yard that not only feels inviting and comfortable but stirs creativity and imagination. The color of the studio matches his home but with black trim instead of white.
“It’s complementary and matches the house but strikes a different feel with the overall darker theme,” he explains. When it was time to choose lighting for the new building, Jordan wanted fixtures that honored American-made craftsmanship.
“I wanted to know that the lights were made by someone who takes pride in their ability to shape the metal,” he notes. “And I wanted a light that has a classic and timeless design.” Admitting to being a bit of a research nut, Jordan found Barn Light Electric and loved what he saw. He read every article he could find and watched quite a few videos.
He selected the iconic Original™ Warehouse Gooseneck Light for his new shop. Jordan customized these handcrafted wall lights with 14″ shades spun from solid raw copper. He also chose the G15 gooseneck arm in a contrasting powder coat Black finish.
“This light reminds me of the workshops and barns where I grew up,” Jordan explains. “I love that I was able to design each element of the light to achieve the aesthetic I was looking for. The Raw Copper really makes the lights the focal point of the exterior. They make the studio feel dressed up like a pair of nice earrings.”
When Jordan’s friends and neighbors ask about his new studio and lighting, he is happy to tell the story of Barn Light Electric.
“The lights are the first thing people ask about,” Jordan says. “They speak to the joy I had in creating this space. And it’s important that I can tell the story behind the lights and how purposeful I was in my purchase.”
Photos courtesy of the homeowner