Post Mount Warehouse Shade Illuminates Restaurant Patio
Dining al fresco is one of life’s simpler pleasures and summertime marks the months when we’re drawn to take our plates outdoors. From your own back porch to a restaurant patio, eating outside takes on a slower, more relaxed pace with your surroundings serving as a generous side order. This restaurant, located on the busy main street in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, offers plenty of people watching to go with the burgers and fries. We’re not really sure, however, what’s up with the white paper hats!
Shade is provided during the day by the overhanging balcony and at night, the tables are illuminated by classic post-mounted RLM warehouse shades. These are very similar to Barn Light Electric’s Sky Chief Post Mount Light, part of our collection of Post Mount Lighting. Post mount lights are a great option for exterior lighting especially in places, such as this one, where you want the light shining downward directly onto the patio and tables. With the light bulb neatly tucked under the warehouse shade, this fixture is Dark Sky Compliant.
The Sky Chief Post Mount Light can be customized in dozens of ways to suit your own personality. Choose from several warehouse shade sizes or go with one of the wavy radial shades. More than two dozen finish colors are available so if your business is on the conservative side you can find something traditional. Or if your business is a bit more edgy, there are plenty of bright, vibrant colors to choose from as well. You can also add a cast guard and glass to give your light a vintage look. Choose from clear, frosted, colored, or textured glass.