Porcelain Enamel Lighting Stands Tough Against Mother Nature
With sales promos clogging up my inbox and Christmas carols blasting in every store, that can only mean one thing. Well, OK, maybe more than one thing.
What it does mean is that winter is just around the corner! And after all the merriment and mayhem of the holidays are over, in less than three weeks mind you, we will have to contend with all that Mother Nature dishes out with the coming of the season.
If your exterior lighting took a beating over the past few years, you probably realize that the choice of materials in outdoor lighting is critical to its durability. A $30 light from a big box store may seem like a great deal when you’re standing in the aisle knowing that kickoff is in 20 minutes and you still need to pick up some wings.
This winter, do yourself a favor and consider porcelain enamel for all of your outdoor lighting needs. Porcelain enamel lighting is superior to any other lighting material thanks to the commercial grade steel that is hand crafted by our metal spinners. Multiple coats of porcelain enamel glass are applied, also by hand, onto this rugged metal shade. Choose from a rainbow of brilliant porcelain enamel finish colors including Cherry Red, Vintage Green, Cobalt Blue or Metallic Chrome to give your outdoor lighting some serious personality. The shades are then baked in a special porcelain oven at temperatures reaching 1,600 degrees to seal that glass into a glossy, durable, hard-as-nails finish.
This finish is what sets porcelain enamel lighting apart from the competition. It will never fade, even when used in our famous Florida sunshine, and, unlike other painted finishes, porcelain enamel can be restored to its original condition with a simple soap-and-water cleanup.
As one customer recently noted on our website, “I’ve owned two of these fixtures for 6+ years. They look as new as the day we installed them. Living in the Florida Keys, these lights get bombarded with salt air, storms, and strong sun. Every now and then we just hose them down and they shine like new!”