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Porcelain Enamel Dino Decor8 blog

RLM Porcelain Pendant Lighting For Eclectic Interior Spaces

The most recent lighting brought into Barn Light Electric has been our Porcelain Enamel fixtures. Seeing a need for reproduction vintage warehouse shades, Barn Light Electric set out to provide a newly manufactured RLM pendant that was created with high quality, and long lasting durability – just as the original Appleton, Crouse-Hinds, and Ivanhoe companies had done in the mid 20th century. By using steel for the interior shade structure and combining it with a glass outer coating, porcelain enamel remains one of the most durable and long lasting finishes on the market today. Used in both commercial and residential applications, porcelain enamel remains the only finish that can be restored to its original color after five, ten, or even twenty years of use. Heat, humidity, ice or even harsh chemicals are no match for the durability of these RLM shades.


Not all applications for these shades involve such rough use; some will prefer to use them in interior lighting applications for their home or business. We came across this photo from Decor8 – an online design blog that we love to follow. Dropping in for an appearance is none other than a porcelain enamel Ivanhoe® Dino look-alike. This small warehouse shade is uniquely placed over a side chair to provide both over head lighting and style to an unused corner of the home. After pairing itself with an eclectic arrangement of old world, vintage finds, this fixture beams sophistication for either a masculine or feminine home.


The Barn Light Electric Ivanhoe® Dino is available in numerous colors and options – select an authentic cotton twist cord to complete that vintage look for interior applications, a galvanized stem mount for the exterior areas of your home, or for a unique wall mount option –a small B-1 style gooseneck is available.


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