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Looking for your order? Want more details about the lead times for our different products? Then you've landed on the right page!

See this icon at the top of your page? Don’t worry… This means that your product is made-to-order and typically ships within 10-14 business days. Hand craftsmanship takes time here at Barn Light Electric and this icon is a reminder that your product is being manufactured specifically for you.

See a green shade in your shopping cart? This icon means that your product is typically in stock and will ship within 4-7 business days. Please look for your shipping information within this timeframe.

This icon represents commercial, custom, or ballasted lighting fixtures.  Because we offer customizable features, products can take 2-4 weeks to manufacture. While our custom orders typically take longer to manufacture, we guarantee you will not be disappointed with the end result!  



If you have any questions about the status of your order, please Contact Us or call toll free at 1-800-407-8784. Thank you!